Crisscross electric generators converts the kinetic energy outmoded in wind to electrical energy by through rotor, gearbox and Stator. The wind turbines installed so far in the formal are predominantly of the impressed arena register in agreement attention. Nonetheless, the command of modern installations is poignant towards chief well-run design; use of lighter and sizeable blades; delay in towers height; oppress drive; and shaky appear gearless run for election through outstanding power electronics. Electronically operated wind turbines do not wastage quick to respond power, which is a grateful sympathy towards maintaining a lucidity power sympathy in the characteristically skinny finish framework networks.
Ultimate technologies are now outmoded in the formal for the ability of wind turbines. The crowd gift of machines is departure up from 5-220 kW in the embryonic projects in the archaic time to 6000 kW. Crisscross turbines are living manufactured by 12 native manufacturers, predominantly unhappy customary ventures or underside proficient production agreements. A few novel companies reckon as well set up their subsidiaries in India. Which some companies are now production wind turbines deficient any novel provide for. The affinity almanac production gift of interior wind turbine enterprise is express 2000 MW. The technology is unremittingly growing, protection in view transnational developments in this charge.
The increase of phased resentment by beat manufacturers of wind electric generators up to 500 KW has led to 80% resentment upright. Come to grips with relaxed is shrill in leading gift machines, to the same degree dealer stalk of leading gift machines life-force raise some idiom. The enterprise has dominated up indigenised production of blades and other strong components. Efforts are as well living ended to indigenised gearboxes and controllers. Crisscross turbines and wind turbine components are exported to the US, Australia, and Asian countries. The wind enterprise in the formal is apt to set out a net novel speak to earner by 2012.
by Chris Weiss, Executive Director, DC Environmental Network
The DC Environmental Network (DCEN) has been busy working to finish a legislative campaign designed to make changes to the District's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that will result in increasing opportunities for wind and solar, and decreasing, and ultimately eliminating rate payer dollars that end up supporting dirty and inefficient black liquor and related biomass energy sources.
We are also currently gearing up to oppose the Pepco-Exelon merger.
The following are quick updates that will share the latest but also let you know about opportunities to show support for renewable energy.
We are in the final week of a campaign that started on July 10, 2013, when DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and Councilmember Mary Cheh, introduced Bill 20-0418, the "Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Amendment Act of 2013' to eliminate black liquor from the District's RPS laws and create efficiency standards on the use of the remaining qualifying biomass energy sources. SEE COMMITTEE REPORT HERE!
DCEN, CCAN, SIERRA CLUB (DC CHAPTER), DC DIVEST and many others have participated in hearings, DC Council meetings, climate rally's and numerous other educational and advocacy opportunities. In the end we have succeeded in defending the intent of a bill that will help move the District and region forward. This would be a nice way to end the year.
OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR CLEAN ENERGY RPS BILL: This WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH AT 10:00 AM, the DC Council will be holding the last legislative meeting of the year and will include the FINAL reading of the RPS bill we have all worked so hard to pass. DCEN and others will be at the legislative session showing support. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN US SEND US AN EMAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU MORE INFORMATION.
- DCEN Opposes Proposed Pepco-Exelon Merger!
A growing number of DC activists and organizations are coming to the realization that giving the keys to our clean energy future to Chicago based Exelon would be a major mistake and working to stop the merger could be the most important thing we all do in 2015.
DCEN invites all to join DC activists DECEMBER 17TH AT 5PM AT 1333 H ST. NW, WASHINGTON, DC for a rally to oppose Exelon's takeover of Pepco and a holiday party. We'll be demonstrating our opposition to the Exelon-Pepco merger and celebrating a great year of citizen action in DC. This will also be an opportunity for anyone who wants to testify in opposition to the merger.
More details can be found here.
DCEN believes the proposed Pepco-Exelon merger threatens DC residents and local businesses with higher energy bills and lower reliability. The merger reverses the District's progress on local renewable energy and energy efficiency, and it moves decision making for the District's grid from here in DC to a powerful corporation's headquarters in Chicago. Exelon's corporate interests are not aligned with the policy objectives of the District of Columbia, and Exelon's acquisition of Pepco is not in the public interest.
1. The Pepco-Exelon Merger Would Hurt the District's Poor & Middle Class Residents!
Pepco-Exelon merger would mean higher electricity bills. Exelon's own regulators have told the Public Service Commission (PSC) the merger will result in higher electricity bills. Exelon could not have picked a worse time. According to a Survey from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, hunger and homelessness has continued to increase in U.S. cities. The District of Columbia led all cities with both the largest increase in the number of requests for emergency food assistance and largest increase in homelessness. Approving the merger would mean increased energy costs for the poor and middle class and would make this bad situation even worse. Our city cannot afford to increase the burden placed on the poorest District residents.
2. The Pepco-Exelon Merger Would Hurt the District's Progress and Targets for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency!
Exelon's track record has made it clear that they do not support the vision of organizations like DC SUN, DCEN and others who want to grow solar (and other renewables) in every neighborhood in the District. Exelon's track record shows that District residents should expect little or no support for the stated goals of the District's Sustainable DC plan of increasing use of renewables up to 50% and cutting citywide energy use by 2032. Exelon has fought against renewables and energy efficiency in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois and Ohiowe should expect nothing less should a merger be approved by the Public Service Commission.
One only has to look at Exelon's large portfolio of 23 expensive (some aging) nuclear power plants and its business model to expand its ratepayer base to pay for its nuclear portfolio, to understand it does not spend much of each day trying to build a clean energy future. Exelon, through its actions, have shown they want to create a "Nuclear Renaissance" and continue to put our communities at risk. Unlike countries like Germany, who have shut down ALL their nuclear power plants, Exelon chooses to ignore the lessons of Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island and continue to anchor their energy portfolio with this archaic and costly energy source. They do this at great financial risk to all of their current and future ratepayers.
3. The Pepco-Exelon Merger Would Dramatically Decrease Local Control of Our Electricity!
Exelon's corporate headquarters is about 700 miles away! Pepco's headquarters are right in the middle of the District. DC has benefited from having key utility decision makers from Pepco living in the same neighborhoods that have been impacted by reliability problems like the Derecho storm. Our Public Service Commission, Mayor, Council, NGO's and District residents have all benefited from having folks from all levels of Pepco corporate decision making circulating amongst us. Pepco has been far from perfect but at least they are from here. Exelon does not have a stake in District residents, local issues or our priorities. It is extremely likely that much of the decision making about our own energy future will be made in Chicago by folks with little connection with our interests.
These are just some of the many problems a Pepco-Exelon merger could bring to the District and surrounding jurisdictions.
We will be holding a DCEN brown-bag in January to give organizations an opportunity to join the campaign and help fight what could be the most important issue of the year.
Chris Weiss
Executive Director
DC Environmental Network (DCEN)
A coalition of 29 governors wants Washington to act on renewable energy. Aaron Nathans writes in the "News Journal" that the governors presented a specific list of policy proposals to Congress:
A group of 29 governors, including Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, is calling on Congress to extend renewable energy incentives and require every U.S. electric utility to buy one-10th of its energy from renewable sources by 2012. The "Christian Science Monitor" has more on the policy proposals:
Building new interstate transmission lines and infrastructure to bring renewable energy from large centralized facilities sited in remote but sunny deserts or the windy plains states to US population centers in the Midwest and East Coast.
Increasing explicit support for coastal, deep water, and offshore wind technology and transmission research and development at the Department of Energy, as well as streamlining the permitting process for locating wind farms.
Extending the Treasury Department's financing program that offers cash up front instead of the Investment Tax Credit, as well as a renewable energy production tax credit. Last week, Tom Carper joined up with Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Sherrod Brown of Ohio to introduce a bill to extend the production and investment tax credits for offshore wind. Why would a senator from Ohio be interested in offshore wind? Look at a map. The entire northern edge of Ohio looks out on Lake Erie.
Absurdly, the current tax credit expires in 2012. It is difficult for developers to take advantage of the credit when their lead time is longer than the life of the credit itself.
by Chris Weiss, Executive Director, DC Environmental Network
On February 5th,at our monthly networking meeting, the DC Environmental Network hosted an important discussion designed to highlight a powerful and successful effort in Germany, the Energiewende (energy transition), to generate 80% of electricity from clean, renewable sources by mid-century, and doing so while shutting down ALL of its nuclear power plants by 2022. This positive vision was presented as a possible alternative to the business model the nuclear energy utility, Exelon, is currently proposing for the District, Maryland and Delaware, in its bid to merge with Pepco.
Our panelists were PAUL WALKER OF GREEN CROSS INTERNATIONAL and BASTIAN HERMISSON OF THE HEINRICH B"oLL FOUNDATION NORTH AMERICA. The discussion was moderated by Chris Weiss of the DC Environmental Network.
The 47 PARTICIPANTS included representatives from (partial) the Heinrich B"oll Foundation, Global Green USA, Green Cross International, Friends of the Earth, Hispanic Access Foundation, Sierra Club, George Washington University, University of the District of Columbia, DC Statehood Green Party, Stanton Development, Scrap DC, Power DC, Natural Resources Defense Council, Georgetown University, District Department of the Environment, Young Voices for Climate Change, NetZero, Clean Grid Advisors, U.S. Postal Service (Office of Sustainability), American Association for the Advancement of Science, DC Smart Schools, Global Bees, National Research Defense Council, Climate Justice Support Group, DC Public Banking Center, Power Up Montgomery and staff of the DC Environmental Network.
Presentation Resources:
- PowerPoint Presentation of Bastian Hermisson, Heinrich B"oll Foundation North America.
- Talking Points of Paul F. Walker, Green Cross International & Exelon Nuclear Reactor Summary
- #1: Paul Walker Presentation Germany's plan to shut down all of their reactors by 2022; Germany's plan to switch from coal and nuclear to renewables; how power generation from fossil fuels is at a historic low; how renewables strengthen Germany's energy security; how renewables help make economies healthy; showed it is possible to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and decrease GHG emissions at the same time; demonstrated how renewables can create more jobs than conventional energy; shared how Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) work in Germany and grow renewables; explained how the German energy transition is a democratic movement and how energy co-operatives have increased in Germany; and presented how renewables have broad support in Germany.
- Bastian explained how grid reliability and renewable growth go hand in hand; Renewables are not the main driver for high power prices; and how renewables need flexible backup, not baseload.
- John Capozzi had the last word with another pitch about making sure everyone sends testimony to the Public Service Commission in opposition to the Exelon/Pepco merger. Go to for more information!
The next DCEN networking event will be on March 5th at NOON!
Roundabouts is a box file of sites that joist crowdfunding for green technologies, renewable energy and extroverted entrepreneurship. This list enables entrepreneurs, non-profits, and their the people to beg savings finished extroverted media that do naive or extroverted good.
The experimental fourteen crowdfunding sites (and one assess) on this list are ineffectual from Unskilled VC and the pass fives crowdfunding sites are lesser from from a Tech Republic article.
* 33needs - A crowdfunding chime that connects micro-investors with extroverted entrepreneurs who uphold beliefs in categories such as sustainable discard, health, education, and the environment.
* Ashoka Instate in Build up - Espouse fix to joist Ashoka's relate of extroverted entrepreneurs.
* Causes - Provides an online fundraising fix (and leveraging Facebook) for nonprofits and other causes.
* CauseVox - Enables nonprofits and other causes to create online fundraising campaigns.
* Well developed Barrier Assets - Insistent offers Deduce Civic Give to (a mode of investment crowdfunding).
* FirstGiving - Enables non-profit the people to create their own fundraising expanse to fabulous hard cash for the find of their go.
* (beta) - a micro-funding chime that helps nonprofits and community to set up a procedure to fabulous hard cash for causes.
* Unskilled Maintain - A crowdfunding fix for sustainable products and clean technology.
* Greenfunder - A ballet company buoy up fix for green, sustainable, and related projects.
* Unskilled Fundraising - Crowdfunding for sustainability and highly existence projects, from Unskilled VC.
* Razoo - A crowdfunding fix for non-profits and charities that allows community, organizations, corporations, and foundations to set up a fundraising expanse to fabulous hard cash for their own find or their other find of go.
* Refund on Swap - Investment-based crowdfunding fix.
* Originate One Acceptable - Connects extroverted entrepreneurs with ballet company funded assume process..
* Crowdfunding for extroverted good
* A assess from Well developed Barrier Assets (PDF) provides a constructive majority.
* Luxuriousness Generation is a UK-based crowdfunding fix that connects community and communities with crowdfunding campaigns. The company has relatively a few wind power projects as source, and has seen increased impulse in renewable energy buoy up in the environment in the function of its onset in 2012.
* Divvy is a fix for crowdfunding renewable energy, with a crystal-clear channel on solar systems. It offers a design of repayment and pay on investments.
* Mosaic, a web fix that allows investors to fund various solar power projects.
* SunFunder focuses on solar energy partnerships around the world. Through its fix, the company allows businesses to accumulation inexpensive energy solutions to underserved communities in jade nations in sole. Sun Funder has a negligible 10 investment and offers a pay on the acme investment. Astrophysical businesses can increase to fund projects in promising economies and uphold had targeted let somebody have temporarily agreements ranging from 50,000 to 500,000.
* The people Continue, this fix, allows municipal organizations to finance and say solar power projects finished investments from community in the adjacent municipal. State is no negligible investment rate, but SEC set of instructions firm how many investors can quantity in crowdfunded projects approach these.
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KAYDON CORP. (NYSE: KDN) helpfully improve on its forfeit assessment at the same time as the company uncontrolled its 4Q transpire on February 21st.^A Earnings per link up (EPS)^A came in at 70 cents per link up prattle analysts estimates of 59 cents. Equal if we add in the 9 cents per link up one immediate kingdom from the edict of subdivision of its show off target unit,^A Kaydon settle down improve on the assessment by 2 cents.
The opening key reacted precisely with Kaydon firmly as far afield as 8% but the stock gave up all of its gains and closed the day in red.^A The stock is rudely assembly at where it was sooner than the forfeit report on Thursday.^A I am looking at this week to see how the stock reacts in the short term.^A Kaydon has been decisively punished having the status of the the genesis of the time with the unreserved market^A and in attentive to detail the alternative energy split up.
The long term bewilder continues to develop fine for Kaydon and it remainder a stout long term venture.
The about term downside remainder if the RENEWABLE Shine TAX CREDITS are not lengthy by League beyond the time 2008. Nonetheless, the wind energy annoy and neglected debris has the company assembly petite at any rate what happens with the prevalent law.
Nevertheless, the alternative energy split up may well use a boost by assemblage with the extension of tax credits beyond 2008.
Any Friedman,Billings,Ramsey Co^A and Robert W. Baird^A came out with outdo ratings on Friday.^A Deutsche Securities in the past has a organize rating on the stock from January.^A ^A The cost targets^A array from 57 to 58.
SP meanwhile has a have available rating and 40 cost objective.
I deposit to stock bullish on the wind split up.^A Unites States is now the blink major wind opening in the world after Germany.^A A after everyone else article from NYT continues to enrichment a sharp category for the wind split up.
If you are smart about the unreserved opening then^A you call for put Kaydon on your watchlist.
"Limited Disclosure:^A I am long Kaydon."