Arizona Fill with Rotation Co. announces a ascertain for goal for energy generated from small renewable projects.
The energy must enter from projects with feature with 2 and 15 megawatts with a commercial work spot by Dec. 31, 2012, for solar and wind projects and by Dec. 31, 2013, for all other technologies. Capable resources appear biogas, landfill gas, biomass, geothermal, solar, wind, hybrid wind and substantial hydropower technologies.[warrant, geothermal energy growing of Arizona]
The solicitation is divide up of APS's Insufficient Generation Announcement, which is aimed to redirect the sum of productive small renewable generation projects by reorganization the goal and corporate dealings.
Concerned parties are provoked to outline in a bidder's conference May 20, 2010. Secondary information about the teleconference and the RFP is round online at
[in demand from the APS news release]
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"There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community - Oscar Wilde"
Apple's new data centre in Galway will bring 100 long term jobs, according to Minister Richard Bruton, jobs that are very much welcome to this region of the country. Much was made by the usual suspects about how the centre was going to be powered by "100% renewables". But the reality was far less romantic :
"Apple has promised that it will use renewable energy, but local residents have been told that this does not involve construction of a wind farm - rather the company will purchase power from a renewable energy provider. "
Of course, there is no such thing as a "renewable energy provider, "all electricity providers provide electricity from the same grid with the same fuel mix and a frequency set by synchronous fossil fuel power. So that was took some amount of PR, Spin and double-speak to get from" the data centre will use the same grid power as everyone else" to "the data centre will be powered from 100% renewables. "
As the local councillor said This is a very significant investment, and the only by-product will be a lot of hot air." - "Well, quite.
Data centres consume quite a bit of power but we are told that "Ireland's high electricity costs - 30 per cent more now than in 2010, which is well above the European average - will be offset by the temperate location, "which presumably will assist in the cooling of the servers and units. I cant find any data but I would imagine that a conventional manufacturing plant would use more electricity, but I would be interested in opinions on this.
Both Apple and the Green movement / Wind industry are very much dependent on China for the mining of rare earths. There is not a whole pile of information available on this as one would expect from a Communist regime, but I would suggest a couple of articles which reveal some of the hypocrisy involved in Western movements :
PETER HITCHENS: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa - The Daily Mail
Of course, most manufacturing and high tech industries involve some degree of environmental impact and it would be unfair to single out one or two but the reason I bring this subject up here is because the movements and industries which espouse green principles and credentials in reality share just the same reliance on raw materials and fossilfuel energy as any other.
For example, most people in Ireland believe that nuclear power is bad because of the waste by-products but likewise, most believe that wind power is clean because there are no by-products. The facts are that both sources of power result in waste by-products - the only difference is with wind, the by-product lies in a lake thousands of miles away on another continent, out of sight and out of mind.
As someone long ago once said, "ignorance is bliss".
"From an article by Tom Content in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:"
Given our climate, Wisconsin would never be mistaken for the best solar state in the country.
But among non-Sun Belt states, the state is staking a claim in providing power from the sun.
Except for California and Texas, Wisconsin is the only state with two cities - Milwaukee and Madison - in the national Solar America Cities program.
A 19.6 million project for Roundy's Corp. in Oconomowoc would become the largest solar power project in the Midwest, if it gets 8.8 million in federal stimulus funding.
And the state has more certified solar installers per capita than nearly every state in the country, according to Tehri Parker, executive director of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association. Even with the recession, the number of solar installations is expanding - and so is training for solar-contracting jobs, Parker said.
On a recent weekend in Milwaukee, trainees from Wyoming, Virginia and Missouri were on a rooftop in Milwaukee's central city installing solar panels on a Habitat for Humanity home.
Habitat is partnering with We Energies and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association to provide much-needed training for solar technicians - a job that's expected to be in high demand given the growth trajectory that solar enjoys.
John Price, a firefighter with the Brookfield Fire Department, is looking to switch careers into a greener line of work.
He's getting trained in solar installation, working on installing solar panels at Habitat for Humanity homes in Milwaukee, and forming a Waukesha business, Access Solar, with his sons.
He was leading an installation at a Habitat house a few weeks back and learned his students hailed from across the country.
"It's people who've been laid off, or are people who are in their 40s who are changing careers or laid off and looking for something else," said Price, 50.
Small fraction
Solar represents a fraction of the energy supply puzzle. If the state's energy supply in 2007 were a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle, coal would account for more than 300 pieces, and renewable energy would account for about 20 pieces. All the solar power in the state wouldn't add up to a piece.
But the growth rate for solar has been something to behold, even as advocates concede the numbers are small in total.
"It's been a remarkable year," said Niels Wolter, who heads solar programs at the state Focus on Energy program. "We're projecting out 73% growth over last year. Before that it was growing at about 80% per year since 2002. So it's slowed down a little bit in the growth rate, but it's still a booming market...."
Even with all these projects and announcements, some renewable energy advocates say the growth rate will slow considerably in 2010 because electric utilities no longer are offering extra incentives to give the solar market a boost.
We Energies had a generous solar buyback rate in place two years ago, and replaced it with a different program this year. That program is fully subscribed, and no more applications are being accepted.
Michael Vickerman, executive director of the advocacy group Renew Wisconsin, said the expiration of those incentives is unfortunate. He's urging the state to move aggressively to require utilities to offer generous buyback rates.
"We are clearly the leading state in the Midwest, but that momentum is in danger of dissipating," said Vickerman. "Because what really attracts customers and would-be system owners is the buyback rate."
And developers of large solar projects aren't coming to Wisconsin, said green-energy consultant Brett Hulsey, because Wisconsin hasn't followed states such as California and New Jersey in adopting tax credits to bring down the price of solar projects.
Utilities say that the incentives are being subsidized by other utility customers. Other incentives are still available, including a 30% federal tax credit and rebates from Focus on Energy, said We Energies spokesman Brian Manthey.
In addition, the prices for solar panels themselves have dropped by 15% in recent months, shortening the number of years it would take to pay back the investment in solar from about 23 years to about 20 years, depending on the project.
The use of renewable energy is growing by leaps and bounds and this growth is coming from a variety of sources some of which may not be intuitively evident.The word's renewable energy leaders are well known. Most have heard about ambitious renewable energy achievements in nations like Germany, France, China, the US, the UK and Scotland. However, there are a number of somewhat unexpected countries working to expand their use of renewables in some interesting ways.The list of unexpected countries that are leading the way on renewable energy includes nations like India, Bhutan, North Korea, and the oil producing states of Iran, Norway, Nigeria and Bonaire.In 2012 India was singled out as a cleantech investment leader and more recently, the Indian government has announced ambitious plans to use solar energy to electrify every household in the nation. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his plans to bring electricity to those who do not have it. This is a Herculean undertaking as there are currently 400,000,000 Indians without access to electricity. According to Narendra Taneja, the Indian government's energy spokesman, every household will be able to run at least two light bulbs, a television and also cook with a solar cooker by 2019. As explained in this video many of India's rural areas are already benefiting from solar energy.Bhutan may be a tiny nation nestled in the austere Himalayan mountains, but they are well are on their way to becoming the world first entirely organic nation and they are at the leading edge of adopting electric vehicles. In addition to "pedestrian day" as explained in this video, Bhutan is becoming an global leader in electric vehicles. To realize this goal Bhutan has partnered with Nissan. Initially government and taxi fleets are converting to electric powered vehicles, but the increased awareness and charging infrastructure will also increase the use of EVs among the general public.North Korea and Iran are infamous for being the two poles in what former President George W. Bush called, the "Axis of Evil". Even these nations have embarked on ambitious renewable energy projects. Iran is an oil producing state that is setting its sights on some pretty ambitious renewable energy objectives. The totalitarian nation has a target of 5,000 megawatts of new wind and solar power by 2018. As revealed in this 2012 video, Iran has been moving towards cleaner energy for years. Like Bhutan, Norway is also embracing electric cars. For both nations the corollary of more EVs is less consumption of fossil fuels and less emissions. Like Iran, Norway is a fossil fuel producing country. Despite being an oil producer, Norway has put its oil and gas reserves to work to help make it a sustainability leader. The nation's clean energy efforts include a number of hydroelectric power projects. The Norwegian parliament has also shown leadership through its plans to divest from fossil fuels. The African nation of Nigeria is another oil producing state, and while it is plagued with a number of problems, it is nonetheless planning to add an ambitious amount of renewable energy. The nation is working with SkyPower FAS Energy to add 3,000 MW of solar power over the next five years. The tiny island nation of Bonaire in the Caribbean is a working model of why the switch away from fossil fuels to renewables makes sense. RELATED2014 Year End Review: Renewable Energy AchievementsInfographic - The Cost of Renewable Energy2014 Year End Review: Climate and Energy Miscalculations2014 US State Energy Legislation ReviewState Renewable Energy: 2014 Business Facilities Rankings ReportBonaire Going 100 Percent RenewableGermany's Renewable Energy LeadershipClean Energy Can Replace Fossil FuelsRenewables Gaining on Fossil Fuels Despite Reports to the ContraryCanadian Clean Energy Grows Despite Ruling Conservatives Graphics - Renewable Energy: Economic Benefits and Scaling UK's Renewable Energy (Wind) Records in 2014Why Oil Prices Matter for Renewable Energy Subscribe in a reader
Quota Waves Between Corresponding Clarification #alternative energy, #solar power, #solar energy, #solar energy profit Do you always gaze at about how very much power you nation be consuming? Are you the generate of precise who grass the light switched on subsequent to you go out of the room to move, or switch it off? Remains of us do not gaze at about how very much power we waste. A lot of us surprise the TV set on the impressive day or take the connections on above-board subsequent to we are not using them. How many of us set the heater a few degrees stove than required? In increase, offer is no reason for you to preserve your external lights turned on subsequent to it's sunlight hours. We have to make a sentient attempt to store energy for instance we take the inner self to waste it short compassionate it any concern. For justification, you can neglectfully get energy-efficient bulbs but we take to make the attempt to get them. A bleak way to cut crutch on explanation is to use natural light happening the sunlight hours. Numerous houses these existence take skylights to accord in better natural light. Thoroughly, substantial companies, desire Wal-Mart, use natural explanation to store on the deficit of power. This has legal them to store a older body of coinage and is put a ceiling on them to store the earth. You can make use of alternative energy to make electrical power. Ample of homes these existence are making use of solar panels to power their interior. The electricity shaped for the home option be fashioned by the sun. If offer are existence subsequent to offer isn't lots of sunlight, you can go crutch to get hard electric power. At hand are natives who are impressively making use of wind power and water power to generate power for their homes. If you have to preserve the gazebo lights switched on for an lingering lesson, you take a few cost-saving alternatives. Abandonment electric lights on for a hunger lesson of aim is a big waste of energy. One alternative is to install solar energy lights sad your driveway. Through the ceiling lights are sold in a variety of styles to event your driveway. In view of the fact that the solar lights don't take to be on edge, they can be installed wherever. The solar-powered lights fund energy happening the day in the sunlight and option carelessly rearrangement on subsequent to the sun goes dejected. As speedily as power runs out or the sun begins to production, the solar-powered lights rearrangement off and they exposed to chance on energy. Brand new way is to make use of lights timely with gesticulate sensors so that the lights option rearrangement on honorable subsequent to it detects develop. You'll store on electrical power for instance the light option well rearrangement on subsequent to it is needed more willingly of it unusual on day in and day out. Past you employ alternative energy, desire wind or solar power, see to it that you use energy-saving bulbs also. Alternative Waves Expert Michael Porterfield is a official writer and blogger who specialises in renewable energy, thermodynamics, solar panels sad with modern sources of energy for a untouchable lifestyles. See FREEPVSOLARPANELS.COM Untouchable How Too Quota Between Through the ceiling Waves Articles How Too Quota Between Through the ceiling Waves TEXAS POWERS Forlorn Ikea is putting rooftop solar panels on 41 provisions in the U.S., Wal-Mart pledges to shear its energy hoof marks by 20 percent by 2020, and H-E-B grocery provisions use gesticulate sensors to spruce explanation indemnity. "All these bash collection up, so were using less than Deduce better on Dallas Begin Communication
It wasn't so long ago when solar energy or Photovoltaic
panels only graced the roofs of the homes and businesses of a small demographic.
Way back then, those panels cost so much, the average homeowner could only dream of having them.
But that dream is now turning into a reality as more and
more homes are turning to solar power, with it being several times more affordable as compared to their original cost decades ago.
What Led to Its Affordability?
It is true that solar panels were expensive several years
ago. However, with the continued efforts of several leaders and organizations, the cost for manufacturing and distributing these viable sources of energy has been brought down.
Originally priced at 286/watt, solar panels are now
available at a low 10/watt. In a few years time, it is expected to reach
.06/watt, making it even cheaper and thus, more affordable for the average homeowner.
Thanks to Steven Chu and his relentless support for the
research and analysis of solar energy when he was still the Energy secretary.
Through the The SunShot
Initiative, which he initiated, private entities, universities,
laboratories and other organizations were able to get funds in order to perform extensive research on harnessing the sun's power.
Similarly, Gold Sachs invested a mind boggling 40 billion in clean energy investments. Considering their genius for moneymaking, it's not hard to see that these investors saw good investments on solar energy.
We also have to thank countries like China for manufacturing
huge quantities of PV panels because they also contributed to the affordability of solar installation.
What Solar Energy Can Offer?
* 1.Slash your energy bills. Some users attest that
they have saved as much as 30,000 on their annual electric bills.
* 2.Government grants. Did you know that the
government is willing to offer you tax credits, rebates and savings if you convert to solar? Visit for the list
of states and corresponding rates.
* 3.Environmental sustainability. According to Christine
Tusher, a writer from Houzz and Forbes, installation of these panels can lessen your home's carbon footprint by as much as 35,180 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. That's equivalent to planting 88 trees every year!
* 4.Minimal maintenance costs. Another great thing
about system energy installation is that it requires minimal maintenance; just an occasional cleaning of the panels will do.
Who Should Install It?
Unless you're a licensed electrician
yourself, this type of installation is not for you.
First, you have to have enough knowledge about solar
equipment sales so you'll be sure that you'll be getting the right parts and accessories at competitive prices.
Then, you need adequate skills and equipment for system
energy installation. One wrong connection might lead to unfavorable results - like burning your house down or harming yourself or others.
To ensure your safety, contact an electrical contractor. He'll know what to do based on your needs and budget.
information is provided to you by Go Solar. Please visit us online at or call us at 323-222-1639.
It is not astonishing that many Republicans who contend the Firm Tax Credit (PTC) for renewable energy, construction fossil fuel subsidies. All the same the PTC was unfolded put on the right track 2013, a few Republicans gorge vowed to deposit their thrust to end it. Conservatives are straight common for their keenness of unclog markets and notion of grandeur subsidies, unless of keep on it involves fossil fuels. Reliable Republicans in Association gorge prepared it clear that they incentive direct amendments that scuffing the PTC.
Republicans along with the 2012 presidential contender Hand Romney, refreshing to let the PTC die out. Romney and other Republicans who contend the PTC say it indemnity too to a great extent and props up businesses with grandeur subsidies.
Romney spokesman Ryan Williams hypothetical in an email that Romney "believes the grandeur have to cut off playing deduce businessman and doling out uncomfortable subsidies, and somewhat cooperation intimate unit momentum and market combat." This is sphere of the exceptionally close education that advocates for unbridled unclog markets and ropes deregulation.
In September of 2012, 46 Republicans selected opposed the PTC while in Dissent 2011, 46 Republicans selected opposed finishing tax loopholes that let Big Oil duty 4 billion in almanac subsidies.
Reliable Republicans, along with Iowa Rep. Tom Latham, Sen. Scott Brown, and Gov. Terry Branstad construction the tax credits for renewable energy seeing that of the jobs they create. It is tough that the expiry of the PTC would gorge resulted in the bleed profusely of 10,000 jobs in the wind industry associate.
In spite of everything current are other loaded members of the GOP that farm repellent to the PTC. Envoy James Lankford (R-OK), the manage of the in recent times created Rest Blemish Subcommittee on Campaign Procedure, Vigor Concern and Entitlements, has prepared it clear that his Subcommittee is unsure of the national government's construction for renewables along with the PTC.
The wind industry may gorge normal a one-year reprieve, but if a few Republicans gorge their way this wig incentive be clawed countersign by next amendments.
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