Solar PV Plant
IN BRIEFThe Japanese government has started a debate to boost the clean energy share to 50% of Japan's total energy generation by 2030, with the aim to keep the ratio of renewable energy more than nuclear It also intends to show a positive attitude toward minimising its reliance on nuclear power, even while allowing some nuclear power plants (NPPs) to resume operations after a safety review.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has begun discussing the best mix of electricity generating sources with a panel of representatives from various fields. The government is hoping to reach a conclusion about its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target by June, before formally announcing its goal both domestically and abroad.
Nuclear power accounted for 29% of the nation's energy supply before the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. Thermal power has since risen to nearly 90% of the nation's mix due to the closure of all 48 of its nuclear power reactors for safety upgradation and inspections. Renewable energy resources accounted for 11% in fiscal 2013.
By promoting solar power, the government aims to increase the proportion of renewable energy resources by 2030. The new Basic Energy Plan was approved in April 2014 in order to raise the solar contribution to more than 20%. The new plan also pledges to push for restarting the reactors idled in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima meltdowns.
The new policy also says the government will "lower as much as possible" Japan's dependency on nuclear power and push for the development of more renewables, including wind, geothermal heat and solar power in particular, over the next three years. The paper, however, avoided setting a specific goal for a desirable ratio of energy sources, including oil, gas, nuclear and renewable power.
Japan has approved 71,780 MWe of renewable energy projects, according to the ministry data. Solar accounts for 96% of the approved capacity. Japan has added 11,090 MWe of clean energy capacity since July 2012, when it began an incentive programme to encourage investment in renewables, according to METI.
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