History is full of examples in which the most outlandish and absurd suggestions for the times quickly spawned inventions that we now depend upon and take for granted. Merely 40 years ago, suggesting that we would be able to power entire neighborhoods only by harnessing the elements of sun and wind would have seemed extremely far fetched. However, this notion has become a reality. Today, we are on the verge of using microscopic bacteria to create new sources of energy. The future of energy technology certainly has wide horizon, and looking at some of the inventions that are beginning to peak over its edge is truly inspiring.
Wind Farms that are earth bound have already proven their worth as a sustainable producer of energy in many places including www.electricitycompaniestexas.com/. It would seem that the next logical step in their evolution would be to make them airborne. NASA and other companies are already working towards making this idea a reality. Hovering wind turbines will send wind energy technologies into the highest reaches of altitude where there is much more potential for generating power. The electricity will be transmitted back to the surface using nano-tube tethers. While this idea is still in development, the payoffs could be substantial.
We have only cracked the lid on the potential of biofuels. Familiar efforts in this department can be seen in ethanol as derived from corn. The goal is is to eliminate dependency on fossil fuels and cut emissions drastically. We are now beginning to discover ways to develop fuels that are just as potent as those derived from biological sources such as grains and corn using living organisms that are much more common: algae. Harvesting algae in order to produce energy would greatly relieve the increasing strain on our food supply and other natural resources.
Many of the problems holding back new forms of energy production are related to our abilities to harvest and store enough energy to make them practical. Scientists are attempting to overcome this limitation by combining energy sources into single pieces of technology. For example, rather than focusing on either heat or light as a means to work with solar cells, the two forms of radiation will be combined when gathering energy. Another example that is being explored as replacements for batteries include the combination of gathering electricity from both light and physical vibrations.
Many scientists believe that the future of energy production lies in harvesting the resources available in space rather than those that exist here on earth. In order to further this type of effort, scientist are working with prototypes designed to gather the power available from solar winds. Solar Wind power will have huge potential once the technology is perfected, according to the researchers investing the matter at Washington State University.
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