The following ocean related news accumulated over the past week or so:
* The Climate Change Business Journal reached out to Lockheed Martin for pursuing OTEC. In particular, click on this WALL STREET JOURNAL" article on ocean energy:
"Many people in the industry believe China will be key, however. Lockheed is working with Chinese conglomerate Reignwood Group, to build the world's first large-scale, ocean thermal-energy conversion power station. The companies plan to decide by June where in Asia to build the 10-megawatt facility, which will use warm surface water to heat ammonia, which has a low boiling point, making steam to drive a turbine without carbon emissions. The steam is then condensed using deeper, colder water and the cycle is repeated, producing a constant flow of electricity costing around 15 cents a kilowatt-hour. That is more expensive than nuclear power but well below the 22 cents for offshore wind turbines, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Ten megawatts is enough to power about 10,000 Western households."
* The University of Western Australia has an internet course on Ocean Solutions, taught by Carlos Duarte ("right"), Director of their Oceans Institute.
* Renewable Energy World provides info on Ocean Energy.
* Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation is actively pursuing various ocean opportunities. To the right is Chairman of the Board and CEO, Jeremy Feakins:
-Three ocean storms popped up in the Indian and Pacific Oceans:
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