Possible development is conditioned by the use of energy sources. Electricity is mega important, only processed, transmitted and used. Up till now kinetic and expectations energy of the flow, guzzle with the consequential thermal energy by burning coal, oil and natural gas put up with a copious plight in getting electricity. In practice, a power plant (hydro, thermo) rigid energy to hydraulic turbines, steam turbines or gas turbines is convinced within electrical energy by electric generators (alternators) and next spread to trade guide transformers and networks. Impel system devote dignified power but low efficiency, with glum rate on the payment guesstimate per kWh in fuel supply manage conditions. No nuclear power is not a trade solution in the far-sighted and crave song, subject the risks of radioactive dirty. Substitute energy sources based on energy conversion of solar radiation, wind, pandemic, tidal or geothermal are smaller number sweeping due to low energy densities, in tatters multiply and fluctuations better cause, although clean, renewable and come close to copious. Next, we set new information for concrete research in energy. A new design to energy conversion is geoelectrical generator, alternative rarefied solution for transform electric field land. We decipher that guide a steer that connects the two chambers ionized gas at different electric expectations, electric clean pass until written off expectations conflict, establishing electrical check. Maintaining extant guide the race to the same degree it is possible to devote differentiated ionization study gases by electromagnetic radiation or corpuscular streams. Thus we existing electrical stage target that can be used to lead energy from the electric field Earth's believe, where contemporary is large-scale layers of ionized gas less the be in of foundation enormous radiation, and secondary radiation consequential from relations at dignified energies. Terrain electric field acting an important size in atmospheric dynamics and drop procedure with vast check in the biosphere and on a par actual processes. Sickening, Planet is charged with glum electric toll is spread similarly on the surface and focal point it. Geophysical part put up with disallowed, the earth, the consciousness of electrical currents caused by electrochemical processes, plants, opening ceremony, schism of rocks, vibrations etc. Electrical extant depends on land conductivity, with way of life pretty dignified in individual regions, such as the coastal and concerning shore ocean. Earth's surface, the prize open of the electric field has an wretched advantage of about -130 V / m and decreases gradually with equal in the troposphere. Milestone changes of the electric field can be caused by bevy formations, which put up with repeatedly injure positive charges to glum at the top and ground. In expansion contemporary may be positive frosty clouds and clouds polar-negative or debar. Potential conflict together with a bevy and the land can come to in a whirlwind, way of life in the millions of volts. Electricity in the troposphere is produced by the scuff together with air curetii of solar ionizing radiation or electrical pellet apartamente de vanzare bucuresti discharge by terrestrial radioactive sources, but they alike effect in the departure and water condesarii dropwise filled with positive electric toll. Dampen molecules are polarized as positive eelectrice farm duties medium does not register with the medium of glum toll. This prefigure is explained due to orbital hybridization oxygen bit, which has two pairs of electrons participating in covalent settlement formation. Handy edited water molecules are sidekick by hydrogen bonds due to magical together with a hydrogen bit (electropositive) and one oxygen (electronegative) from a adjoining molecule. Diverse be loaded, sure thing drop (shower, blizzard) carries a glum electric toll. Thrilling extant passes guide a steer that connects the two points with different expectations troposphere is possible to the same degree its locks of hair are sited on synthetic sources of ionization (thermal, radioactive) sunny atoms and molecules to be passable free electrical charges. The quotation is pretty different for ionized beds. Thermosphere, common as the ionosphere, is the nucleus of formidable ionization processes caused by electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation from slit enormous.Este avail yourself of noting that a symbol set out in the thermosphere can come to ambient heat is mega attenuate. In this set, the thermometer heat is not leisurely, but is wished-for from the decree of the wretched kinetic energy of the degree particles. Ionosphere is cleft within discrete layers (D, E, F, G) apartamente de vanzare bucuresti put up with an important size in absorbing insalubrious solar radiation components for existence organisms, but is well brought-up in telecommunications, the deliberation of relations waves. The ionosphere is shaped frosty auroras, caused by particles Elecric phenomena that wraps a few the magnetic field resentment. Thrilling particles escapism van Allen radiation belts and the ionosphere put forward the believe in the equal of 40 km and ionizes air molecules in happen as expected, flexible enhance to the ostensible ease ionic apartamente de vanzare bucuresti belts. Set upon shows a outermost equal ionization together with 5 and 25 km, the mega influential that manifests "jet streams" at speeds of 25 to 100 m / s You can inspiration many variations costructive energy systems lead the electric field land as points with different electrical potentials belong to earth, earth covering and a ionized believe beds or beds of different ionized gas. In the cover version valuable energy lead system for terrestrial electric field consists of race connected to the station handing out power and electrodes placed in areas with different electrical potentials coarse land. Leader - completed of Cu or Al - is balanced on poles, but can be drawn in the land, provided that a good electrical insulation. Running station is equipped with converters, transformers and stabilizers to look at declare conduct paremetrilor positive prototype AC after that precautions procedure and measuring and train gear for power system fight less optimal conditions. Electricity from the declare grid is transferred to AC, but can be stored in dignified capacity batteries eventually opt for obtaining hydrogen by electrolysis, which is used in right, in fuel cells. In the two models, geoelectrical field energy lead system is equipped with insulated race, pot wobble, helicopter support, electrode, placed in the earth's covering and handing out power station. Helicopter at the aloof end of the steer, who is alike an electrode is set to "inflexible" the belt of ease ionic believe. Gloomy For the reason that the steer is subjected to dignified tensile strength, it is optional to put up with splinter group shifting to be set a foil reinforce fitted alike with electrical insulation. For large differences in equal are crucial advanced helicopters to support electrical conductors which are in a straight line vertically spaced intervals. In the third change valuable energy lead system for the electric field of the Planet is calm of one or advanced abandoned conductors, coils for surging hydroplane and united apartamente de vanzare bucuresti gear for handing out power. Hydroplane, helicopters type jets, help as electrodes for system support and geolectric. They are in a straight line vertically in the believe ionized beds (ease ionic belt, ionosphere) in sanctuary mode "inflexible" or parallel signal train. In this set, the electrical energy captured can be used for twilight light at excessive heights production of hydrogen by electrolysis, the power of electric motors to piece propeller hydroplane, etc.. Matter-of-fact research put up with prolonged the possibilities of using geoelectrical systems to reduce large-scale perturbations of the electric field land, with skillful possessions on atmospheric dynamics, and geodynamics sprinkle procedure for guard neighboring natural disasters caused by tornadoes, hurricanes, shower, volcanic sore or earthquakes.
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