Lisa asks...WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGY THAT AUSTRALIA USES? Solar, Hydro, WIND, Nuclear any more?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Electricity is generated by coal as well. Australia has large reserves of natural gas and this is used to fuel generators or fuel heating and cooking. Waste recovery schemes that burn rubbish. Bio-fuels such as bio-diesel are used to run generators in rural areas and both that and ethanol are blended with standard petroleum fuels. Also simple things like wood pellet or wood waste (offcuts from sawmills) fuel stoves in winter.There are also some combined heat and power systems, where electricity is generated by a factory for its machinery and steam is used via a heat exchanger to heat water for use in those processes or to generate more power which is fed into the grid. Given the long coastline, wave power is being developed too. James asks...WHY ARE WIND TURBINES USEFUL FOR ENERGY?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) "Wind Powering America" initiative has set a goal of producing five percent of the nation's electricity from wind by 2020. DOE projects meant to achieve this goal will provide 60 billion in capital investment to rural America, 1.2 billion in new income to farmers and rural landowners, and 80,000 new jobs during the next 20 years. Until recently, wind power was concentrated in California. Now it can be found in most states. Farming regions in the Midwest, Great Plains, and West have emerged as major growth areas. Wind power is growing partly as a result of technology improvements and cost reductions and partly in response to state and federal laws and incentives. While many people will benefit indirectly from the clean air and economic growth brought about by wind power development, farmers can benefit directly. Wind power can provide an important economic boost to farmers. Large wind turbines typically use less than half an acre of land, including access roads, so farmers can continue to plant crops and graze livestock right up to the base of the turbines. Chris asks...WHAT ARE WAYS SOLAR ENERGY IS USED? I need 5 ways. Thanks IN advance!WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Passive heating - the use of sun rooms or closed cars to allow heat energy in and keep cold air out; dont you love to get in the nice warm car after work on cold frosty fall day? And do not forget the cat like to lay in the sun beam; bag pipes with water in them are exposed to usn to heat water. Solar electricity: the energy of the sun light is convert inot electrical energy via checmailc interactions.Satellites use this as well a rural electic fences and some stop signs. Active sloar heating where sun beam are focused on a samll area to boil water; cook food; even meatl metals.The heat on certain toys cause the air next tot he toy to heat andthe air under the toy causes it to rise; its fun but not a producer of large amounts of work. Solar energy is used by plants to convert simple moleucles inot comple carohydrates. These carbs are then harveted and sotred and used by man for food and fuel (wood or yard waste is burnt). Note that peat an scola and oil where once plant life that used soalr energy to create comple carbon chains. Finally solar energy casue the air around the earth to heat unevenly (lakes; clouds; snow cause unequal heaitng) so the cold air moves in realton to the cold dense air ans we get wind; the wind turns turbines; pushes sails and be get wind power. Also the heat caseu water to evaporate and it htne flots to hihger evelation and when it falls we get flowing rivers whcihare used of trubines: nigagra falls and Hoover Dam just two examples. With out the sun to lift the water it would all have gathered inthe oceans. Solar power can be used in communications; the shing of sun light off mirros is commonly used in rescuse operations. So except for nuclear energy, some chemcial reactions; and geo thermal energy and the gratity extended by the moon and sun most energy of earth started out as sun energy. David asks...ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROGRAMS IN THE STATES? I am graduating high school soon and know what I would like to do with my future. I would like to build solar panels or WIND mills or any other form OF alternative ENERGY. I love the idea OF contributing to a better future that way. Where could I find a program IN the states that would give me the qualifications for that?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Look for Solar Energy Installers in your area and talk with them. There are certificate programs that you can take as a Solar Installer that only take about 2 years to complete. Check with you state as the electrical codes vary per state. Solar is growing fast now that the panels are below 1 per watt, when they were above 4 per watt only 4 years ago ! If you decide to do wind power, expect to work for a utility company as they are the only ones using it, with rare exception of rural farmers. Finally don't be fooled into working for a company that leases solar panels to homeowners. They just want to become another form of a utility company. Watch out for them ! Richard asks...WHICH IS THE BETTER ALTERNATIVE ENERGY? SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY AND WHY?WINDMILL FARMS ANSWERS: Both have their own advantages. It depends on which area u live.Solar Panels are a good choice if you live in an area such as a development or there is a lack of wind and wind energy would not be suitable or efficient. But if you are in a more rural area and it seems like the wind blows all the time, then a wind turbine would be an added benefit to help cut your dependency on electricity. A wind turbine is very similar to solar panels in that it generates electricity that can be used right away or stored for later use. Like solar, wind energy is also a clean fuel that is renewable and doesn't need any other fuels to function. The electricity generated by wind turbines tends to fluctuate more than with solar because the wind is not as consistent as the sun. So if you do not have a consistent wind source at your location, you can use the wind turbine together with solar panels. You can visit Mark's website provided below for more info. He got lot of great information with regards renewable energy. Best of luck to you. 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