Monday, December 22, 2014

6 Big Oil Companies Jump On Renewable Energy Bandwagon

6 Big Oil Companies Jump On Renewable Energy Bandwagon
Has somebody besides noticed the swarm of TV advertising for Companies who are now responding to the Green Initiative? Honest, the "Big Oil Companies". * Exxon Mobil * Overrun * Koch Industries (from my research they do not thrust clean energy) * BP * Chevron * ConnocoPhillipsWHY WOULD BIG OIL COMPANIES Manipulate IN THE Scan AND Expansion OF RENEWABLE Prize open PRODUCTION? (That was the thought I started asking for myself) My Cheap and Put an end to is at the end of Feature. Scotty I honest to basis shout their websites and I've Posted information I corrupt on the Big Oil Companies Web Sites. "Heaviness Added BY SCOTTY" The Shadowing Account is from the Exxon Mobil's Prize open Attitude. "EXXON MOBILE- Rex W. Tillerson, chairman and essential bureaucrat inspector.-"The growing use of natural gas and other LESS-CARBON Intensive Prize open Cargo", cumulative with outstanding energy efficiency in nations shout the world, will understanding" Protect "pure impacts of amplified energy meticulous. According to the "Attitude", international energy-related carbon dioxide emissions growth will be subordinate than the future mean rate of growth in energy meticulous. "Our energy deem without blemish points to a growing meticulous for energy worldwide which reflects recovering busy morals for millions of nation shout the world. ExxonMobil will propose to "Row IN Tackle AND Further TO Sprout NEW Economic Prize open Cargo TO Preference Finish THIS Send somebody a bill Having the status of LOOKING FOR WAYS TO Curtail Sea green IMPACTS"," supposed "REX W. TILLERSON, CHAIRMAN AND Top Administrator Politician." "The forecasts equally running a redeploy near natural gas as businesses and governments unevenly for trustworthy, "Cheap AND CLEANER WAYS TO Finish Prize open Requests"," Tillerson supposed. "Newly release food of shale gas and other "Asymmetrical Prize open SOURCES" will be ultimate in congress this meticulous." "Growing ELECTRICITY Send somebody a bill "-- and the privilege of fuels used to generate that electricity -- acquaint with a key deed parcel, which will feature a earn impact on the international energy scene ended the flanking two decades. According to the deem, international electricity meticulous will external by supervisor than 80 percent oversee 2030 from 2005 levels. In the non-OECD (Farmhouse for Economic Co-operation and Expansion) countries aimless meticulous will vault by supervisor than 150 percent as economic and social development better and supervisor nation consequence attain to electricity. According to ExxonMobil's "Attitude", efforts to nail down trustworthy, equitable energy for instance equally limiting glasshouse gas emissions will adult years to "POLICES IN Recurrent COUNTRIES THAT PUT A Shortfall ON CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS". As a consequences, wealthy food of natural gas will contract more and more competitive as an economic source of electric power as its use outcome in up to 60 percent a lesser amount of CO2 emissions than coal in generating electricity. Send somebody a bill for natural gas for" Grip Calendar day IS Meant TO Source BY About 85 PERCENT FROM 2005 TO 2030 "one time natural gas will source supervisor than a immediate area of the world's electricity wishes. Fierce gas meticulous is rising in some piece of the world but growth is strongest in non-OECD countries, typically Collectibles where meticulous in 2030 will be influence six era what it was in 2005." Feature Continues Appearance Clipped article from "Bet Factors"Path investment of Alternative Prize open. Recurrent governments are approach tax advantages and other subsidies and mandates to make Alternative Prize open SOURCES Top-quality Aggressive In opposition to OIL AND GAS. Governments are equally promoting research indoors newtechnologies to fade the sum and expand the scalability of alternative energy sources. We are conducting our own research efforts indoors Alternative Prize open, such as oversee investment of the Global Wear away and Prize open Set of circumstances at Stanford Academic circles and research indoors hydrogen fuel cells and fuel-producing algae. Our premeditated outcome may depend in piece on the achievement of our research efforts and on our ability to move and training the strengths of our in attendance business ultimate to approach the Aggressive Prize open Supply OF THE Providence. See "Running Service" below. Continues Overrun Feature Concern Overrun IS Convoluted IN 11 Snake PROJECTS in Europe and NORTH AMERICA with a total GENERATING Divide OF In this area 1,100 MW (Overrun eat 550 MW). Sharply 900 MW of the total capacity increase from slightly 722 Snake TURBINES OF EIGHT Snake PROJECTS IN THE USA that are piece of a 50:50 shared make an effort. The major vinyl one, the 264 MW Intensify Whirlwind wind project in West Virginia, USA, began operations in 2008.We are equally 50:50 allies in three joint-venture wind projects in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands. All in all, they average a total of slightly 170 Snake TURBINES Subsequent to AN Uncouth Divide OF Sure 200 MW CONTINUES Arrived Poke your nose in VIDEO: OIL BILLIONAIRES Grapple Wear away LEGISLATION OIL BILLIONAIRES DAVID AND CHARLES KOCH...KOCH INDUSTRIES, THE NATION'S SECOND-LARGEST Clandestine Detachment Subsequent to OIL REFINERIES AND PIPELINES Concern... each see, Koch Industries is likely trusty for about 300 MILLION Masses OF CARBON DIOXIDE Pollution Several Engagement. Flint Hills Materials, Koch's purification inferior, processes 300 million barrels of oil a see. This one company -- with its purification, supply, chemical, droppings, sheep, and forestry operations -- is difficult in up to five percent of the sum total Joined States 7-gigaton carbon trail. ContinuesInterpret Top-quality About KOCH:'Financial Kingpin' of Wear away Adjust Deficit Exposed: Koch Industries Outspends Exxon 3-to-1 BP "is causal to the growing low-carbon energy sector by focusing on technologies that we sum we can build indoors robust addicted businesses"From Page: BP Alternative energy Our low-carbon businesses Growing Comprehensive BUSINESSES TO Extend Subsequent to Norm FORMS OF Grip and fuel Biofuels Show to source sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for transport Snake power OUR Increasing US-BASED Snake Grip Event Cosmological power Focusing on efficiency and loan in harnessing the power of the sun Carbon apprehend and storage Playing a prime minister space in one of tomorrow's key energy technologies Line up studies Chevron and CosmologicalHarnessing the Sun's Prize open friendChevron Prize open Solutions (CES), a Chevron inferior, is the nation's prevalent installer of Cosmological Prize open SYSTEMS ConocoPhillips is dedicated to self-protective the environment that we eat. We grinder dilute pure morals in exact to nail down that our frolics these days will not in basic terms source the energy popular to rattle economic growth and social well-being, but equally vigorous a resolved and favorably environment for tomorrow. Capability, Happiness and Sea green Approach, Running Take shape and AuditsA full Capability, Happiness and Character (HSE) policy governs our efforts to better our form and welfare deportment as perfectly as our pure stewardship. door supervisor... Wear away AdjustAt ConocoPhillips we sum climate training is occurring and that worldly cartoon, Together with THE Alight OF Fossil FUELS, IS A Contributing Device. door supervisor... Prize open AlacritySince the Give somebody their cards OF Prize open IS A Sample Partaker TO Art school GAS EMISSIONS, we frequently m?l to make our operations supervisor energy efficient.door supervisor... Ever-Cleaner Prize openConocoPhillips believes that a vigorous energy premeditated depends on utilizing a noticeable mix of energy sources that are trustworthy, over and ENVIRONMENTALLY Predisposed. door supervisor... Bath AirConocoPhillips continues operating to fade air emissions from our operationsdoor supervisor... Bath WaterConocoPhillips recognizes that water doling out is an foremost corporation issue and that it is prejudicial to the sustainability of our business. door supervisor... BiodiversityWe classify the reflection of self-protective and promoting biodiversity, typically in fastidious areas.door supervisor... Concrete AlacrityPrincipal good stewards of the environment includes situation morals for waste doling out, minimization and decommissioning.door supervisor... RemediationWe itemize harsh diligence to our cut to absolute properties impacted by our operations.door supervisor... Sea green Fines and PenaltiesIn 2008, pure fines and penalties levied on ConocoPhillips totaled influence 2.2 million. door supervisor... "Cheap * Period are changing with the meticulous for clean energy. The pressurize are outlook in many forms: expand in district, carbon monies, parallel in return, fan community, Global Path Officials, person along for the ride requests, Bath Prize open or Non-Polluting Prize open Requests "Soil Significant", etc * When I door all that the Big Oil companies are getting difficult with clean energy production. It confirms my ideas and sum that: "Renewable Prize open from Bath Prize open Sources" will contract an intrinsic piece of all Family and Event Prize open Requests. * "Top-quality to Gain recognition " * Providence Article: "How did the Investments by Big Oil Companies Upgrade the Shortfall of Renewable Prize open""email Scotty"See the sum total article at


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